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Colette Patterns Spring Palette Challenge

Remember my blue fabric stash? Well people…it’s time. Colette Patterns is hosting a Spring Palette Challenge/Sew-a-long and I am going to try my gosh darned hardest to participate and even – gasp! – MAKE SOMETHING! Never mind the fact that I still have an un-hemmed pencil skirt from the last sew-a-long I took part in. I’ll get around to it one of these days.

This will be a an excellent opportunity to make good on one of my new years resolutions, cialis sales generic and….AND…I have even rearranged the piles on the floor in my office to clear a path directly to the sewing machine.

I have nine fabrics, viagra sales out of which I would like to make nine garments. It’s a pretty tight time frame and I have a million other things going on right now as well, but basically it boils down to about a garment a week. Can I do it? We’ll see.

I used to save every image I came across that inspired me in anyway, so as a consequence of that I don’t know where a lot of these images came from. Now I have wised up and I tag them in my reader, or if they are REALLY awesome I pin them on my Pinterest board. (Have you guys seen this yet? I love it.) My inspiration images came from Anthropologie, Strawberry Koi Vintage, ModCloth, and can’t remember. The one on the bottom left is my palette, a sampling of the fabrics I have to work with. They are all cottons so I don’t foresee any need for lining anything.

I have a basic idea of what I want to make out of each, so now comes the hard part and finding a pattern to match. I am pretty sure I already have something in my pattern stash that will match and I won’t have to purchase a pattern, but I am not sure.

I also need to figure out a timeline and schedule. I am thinking that I am going to tack the skirts first, as I have made those before, are pretty easy and can come together quickly. I bought myself a rotary cutter recently and I can’t believe I haven’t had one before. I love that thing. I also just purchased an overcast foot for my machine since I don’t have a serger and I can’t wait to try it out. And, just like the not-quite-finished pencil skirt, I plan on rewarding myself with a pair (or two) of shoes once I am finished

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Excited! Overwhelmed! Here we go!

Comments: 6
  • Madame Parfait January 26, 2011 8:54 pm

    I *love* your inspiration board! I’m a lover of navy blue as well! I love the polka dot dresses, too! And, oh my gosh is that a feather on your fabric swatch!?!?

  • Alicia January 25, 2011 9:46 am

    Hi Erica, thanks for posting the pics of the dresses you like. We seem to have the same taste in clothing, when you posted about the pencil skirt I immediately asked my mom to make me one. She did. I am now the proud owner of 5 pencil skirts in different colors and so happy! I like the dresses you choose, so I might ask my mom again :). My mom is much better than I am but some day I’ll try and make my own..

  • Karan January 24, 2011 11:53 am

    Cool…you have lots more gumption than I do that’s for sure! When you become a professional fashion designer, I’ll hire you to make some clothes for Rejjie. Her mother has failed her in that regard! And…thanks for the link to Pinterest…it’s like you were reading my mind…I’ve been lusting for a place to stick ideas online. Now they have to hurry up and go public!

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