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Color in the Garden: Orange

This has been a rotten, generic viagra treatment rotten, look rotten year for tomatoes. Actually, trying to grow tomatoes in the Pacific Northwest is a dubious exercise, and anyone who can successfully produces a ripened tomato is looked upon with a mixture of jealousy and esteem. I pretty much only grow cherry tomatoes, with the thought that the smaller the fruit, the faster it will ripen. Show here are Sungolds, which seem to be a favorite of a lot of gardeners I talk to. They are easy, prolific and supremely tasty. The smaller tomatoes shown are actually currant tomatoes, not cherry. They are so cute I can barely stand it. I love these little things so much, they have definitely made it onto the “I will grow this again” list. All of my tomatoes where started from seed this year, which, even if I don’t get bushels of produce from them, I am still proud about that. Last but not least, a nasturtium flower. I love nasturtiums

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. They are so pretty in salads, and they draw nasty aphids away from other plants like squash. Beautiful and functional. Gotta love that.

Comments: 2
  • Carrie September 30, 2010 8:43 pm

    Kevin’s mom grows those currant tomatoes, too…they are tasty!

  • Mom September 10, 2010 8:11 pm

    What gorgeous pictures!..The black table is a perfect background. My tomatoes are doing really well!

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