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Color in the Garden: Purple

My favorite plant color! Dark, dark purple. Commonly referred to in the plant world as “black”. From left we have a leaf from my elderberry

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. Someday it will bloom and produce fruit and I can make an elderberry cordial! I see it mentioned a lot, particularly in English recipes. I am not even sure if we can get it over here? Has anyone ever tried it?

Next we have leaves from my Japanese Barberry, a leaf from my newly acquired purple smoke bush [I have been wanting one of these FOREVER], some purple sage leaves, and last but not least, purple viking potatoes. I have a black poppy that didn’t bloom in time for the photo, and I had ONE black nasturtium flower from one puny little plant that has since been devoured by aphids. Last year I bought some black mondo grass, but neglected it to death. I have a black plant wish list which contains black tulips, black viloas, black hollyhocks, black elephant ear…I could probably go on an on. Pretty much any variety of flower, leaf, or vegetable that is this gorgeous deep color. Yes. My name is Erica and I am a closet goth.

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