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Color in the Garden: Yellow

Jeffery has taken it upon himself to stain our picnic table, viagra sale find and I couldn’t be more pleased or surprised with his choice: black! I love it

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. Even though the season is winding down (sadface) there is still some spectacular color in the garden. For the second year now, decease I grew this yellow french fillet bean. And even though I got more than I did last year, sovaldi sale it was still only a handful, not nearly enough to fulfill my vision of jars packed with these beautiful yellow pickled beans. Next year I will plant at least twice as many.

Also shown is a yellow sage, which is just wonderful. I don’t cook much with sage until about this time of year, with all of the pumpkin soups and roasted birds and such. The other herb shown is an oregano, the variety I can’t remember but it’s pretty safe to assume it has “yellow” in it’s name. I seriously love this, it’s so pretty and quite compact compared to my other oreganos. I’ve been drying as much of my herbs as I can, usually I am lazy and put it off until it’s too late. I have to be on top of my game if I want to be a successful urban farmer. No more being lazy!

Comments: 2
  • Kate September 8, 2010 1:24 pm

    Gorgeous colours and photography. I have just got a little patch of my own and shall be looking out for these to fill some of the space, I can almost smell them!

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