Crocheting Weather
About a week ago I was overcome with the desire to KNIT SOMETHING. I wanted, NEEDED yarn like, right now this instant. Had to have it. I am not really a knitter. I can knit, I know how, I just don’t.
I futzed around for a bit trying to figure out what to make…I think it was just the mindlessness of the process I was craving, not really the result. As a consequence, there was a lot of ripping of stitches.
I finally found what I was looking for along the hem of a coat in Teva Durham’s Loop-d-Loop Crochet. These are lazy wheels. They are so fun to make and I think I’m only going to need a few of them for a really pretty scarf
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. The one on the left has been blocked and the one on the right was fresh off the hook. The blocking process never ceases to amaze me – they look so different!
I just blocked it out on a large piece of foam I had left over from needle felting. You can shape it into a circle and then just pin it.