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Cuban Pork Hash

I have been saving this recipe for a while now, viagra buy hospital mainly because it had “hash” in the title. It’s from Saveur magazine, discount which I LOVE and highly
recommend reading

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. I am always a little leery when a savory recipe calls for cinnamon and cloves. I have a hard time divorcing those flavors from the holiday items I was raised on…sweet things like pumpkin pie, apple cider and spice cakes.

Ground pork from local Oakland Bay Farm, The very first of the potatoes from the Wendell Berry Garden, green olives, spices, tomatoes and toasted almonds. Served on a fried corn tortilla and topped with an egg. I halved the recipe, but at the end I um…forgot…and added the entire tablespoon of red wine vinegar. It was too much and while Jeffery didn’t mind one bit, it was overpowering to me. Lesson learned!

Thou shalt wield vinegar with with a light hand.

Comments: 2
  • Christina July 13, 2010 2:19 pm

    Oh your hash!!! mmmmmmm

    On another note – love the new layout!

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