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Distracted by Candy making


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. I am currently being distracted by grandiose plans for candy making this Holiday. I am trying to start NOW so I am not waiting until the last minute as per usual. That’s what the little pans are for. I got them at Cost Plus yesterday and they are going to be perfect for my gingerbread filled with lemon curd. Like festive Twinkies, shop but a whole lot better. Here are some of the other treats I am kicking around:

  • Truffles. Last year (or was it the year before?) I made pumpkin truffles with the whole tempered chocolate coating. I heard that Fran Bigelow has a fantastic technique for tempering in her book. That is the hardest part for me and it makes me wish I had a slab of marble to smear the chocolate on.
  • Gingerbread with Lemon Curd filling. I made wee gingerbread cakes last year from a recipe in the Tassajara cookbook, and I did not prepare the pans (not the ones above of course) well enough and the cakes totally fell apart. I got the idea for the lemon curd from a Southern Living Christmas 2000 book my mom gave me.
  • Peppermint Marshmallows. The easiest thing in the world to make and oh so good. I am not a marshmallow fan, but the homemade ones are utterly divine.
  • Rosemary Caramels. Maybe. I have been saving Dana’s recipe forever thinking that I would tweak it by steeping fresh rosemary in the cream. I don’t know though…
  • Fancy Nut Brittle of Some Sort. I recently stumble upon this company that is making gourmet nut brittles with some pretty exciting flavor combinations. This is such a classic holiday candy and is one my mom made frequently.
  • Hard candy. Another classic from my childhood, but tweaked a bit. My mom would pour the molten sugar usually flavored with peppermint or cinnamon onto a sheet pan to let it cool, then break it apart and put the shards into a ziploc with some powdered sugar. I want to make small round candies using this mold.  I am thinking of flavoring them with clove. This also nostalgic for me as every Christmas  my FAVORITE candy cane flavor was clove, much to the chagrin to my BFF Caroline, who hated my clove breath. These are for you baby.
  • No cookies. I used to have grand plans about making elaborately decorated sugar cookies in the shape of elves, but after making these little puppies I realized that this plan is NOT at all practical. Instead I was recently reminded by Cookie’s post of the fantastic marzipan characters of Eugene and Louise Bakery and am thinking of exploring this as a unique candy option. The only issue for me is: Do people actually EAT marzipan? I think I read? somewhere? that marzipan candies over in Italy are sliced very thin and eaten with espresso/coffee/tea.  Should I make my own marzipan?  So much to think about.

What else? Oh…the packaging. My favorite part. I love using the brown craft boxes I can get at Michaels, like the year I made these. I should start stockpiling these now…in fact I think I still have a few lying around somewhere.

Comments: 5
  • Maryanna Chilsom February 2, 2010 4:56 pm

    This is a extremely interesting article. Out of the blogs that I routinely visit is one of the more informative ones and perpetually seem to possess something that’s refreshing to read.

  • Pingback: Erica Mulherin - Currently » Thai peanut brittle: December 7, 2009 8:29 am
  • Carrie October 18, 2009 10:37 am

    EWWWWW, clove!  Bleah.  I’ll take some of the caramel, though.  Yummy. 🙂

  • Lisa October 2, 2009 6:18 pm

    Last year I had the wacky notion of making cilantro-infused carmel (call me crazy, but I loooove cilantro). It wasn’t what I’d call a success, but I’d still really like to try it again (I posted the pics of it as my website up there). Dana’s carmel recipe looks far more interesting to for giving it another shot…I wonder if the creme fraiche would have a better chance of absorbing cilantro flavor. Do you have any suggestions for infusing herb flavor into cream bases?

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