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Empress Wu in Da House

She arrived in the mail on Friday:

She doesn’t look like much now, cialis sale diagnosis but she’ll be one of the biggest hostas on the planet in a few years. I had to clean out the spot she will live in today as it was infested with horrible buttercup weeds. I hate those things

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She’s going to live in the in the corner here, in that area of soil that has been worked. You can see the stinking weeds overflowing my weed bucket and there is even more along fence to the right I still need to remove.  I have BIG PLANS for this little corner of the yard. First, I want to get some awesome plant pot clips to create something interesting on the fence like these pretty pots. And then,…then I will buy a ton of bricks and create a circular patio from this Sunset Magazine how-to that will go in that empty spot right in front of the Empress so that I can drink my coffee on my on my lovely new bistro table and chairs and gaze at her gigantic glory. Here is a general graphic representation:

Nice, right? Good shade under the cherry tree, and a nice view of the garden!

Comments: 2
  • LauraVW March 20, 2011 8:00 am

    That does look like a nice place to sit. We have hostas too – I love how they basically disappear in the winter and then grow back each spring.

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