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Europe in the 1950’s



Last summer…(or was it the summer before?) I bought some 35mm slides at a garage sale with the intention of making a lampshade.  After looking at the slides held up against a window I decided that I needed to preserve the images before I started punching holes in them.  There are about 400 of them so I have been waiting until I could afford to have them scanned and cleaned and I finally sent them in and got the DVD back this weekend.  The images are stunning. Jeffery and I sat in front of the TV “oo-ing and aw-ing” over them.

The slides were taken on Kodachrome film so the colors have been gloriously preserved, viagra canada troche and the man behind the camera definitely had an eye, which, in my opinion, is what makes the images so spectacular.  I am making up stories about the couple (she is sitting at the table) and why they went to Europe

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. She ALWAYS has red lipstick and in one photo is wearing a fur and white gloves.  It’s refreshing to see people dressed in long coats and no tennis shoes.

The next step is to get a lampshade washer top, perhaps some jump rings, and figure out how to punch/drill my holes. I am so excited!

Comments: 4
  • John May 30, 2011 7:30 pm

    by the way, my e-mail address: yxz5119@rit.edu

  • John May 30, 2011 7:29 pm

    Hi, I love these slides so so much.
    Have you already made holes on them or still keep them?
    I’d like to buy them if you’d like to sell them to me. I am a film production major and they are so awesome.
    Let you know please.

  • Christina March 17, 2009 1:41 pm

    The infamous slides… These are gorgeous! Truly stunning.

  • Noelle Buttry March 5, 2009 12:02 pm

    These are incredible!  That first one would make an awesome print!  What  a great find.

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