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I made a total impulse-buy this weekend and bought a fermentation crock. I’ve been thinking a lot about kimchi lately because I’ve got a couple of cabbages still hanging around in the garden that I’ve been needing to do something with, cialis sale cialis but I was mainly suckered into buying it by the very charming and adorable lady who was working at the shop.

So far it seems pretty easy: chop your vegetables, cover them with the weights that come with the crock and then add a brine. The crock has a lip around the top where you add a little water after you put the lid on which acts as a seal

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. In three to four weeks I should have some sauerkraut! There’s nothing like being able to leave food out on the counter for days and days and have it actually be good for you. Here a look at the inside:

I’ve been feeling to need to do something mindlessly crafty this winter and decided on this constellation quilt from Haptic Labs. I’ve not gotten very far:

The top is a black batik that looks like a night sky, and I’m backing it with a cream dot that also sort of echoes the star theme. I have to be extra neat with my stitches because they are going to show on the back, which is sort of a bummer for an impatient person such as myself, but I am finding that I cannot WAIT to rip the pattern off so I can see what it looks like. It’s a good activity for cold, dreary nights.

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