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First! Zucchini! Harvest!

Look at these beauties! I still can’t believe I actually grew something. As you can see these are the eight ball zucchini, viagra canada ailment whose shape I am completely in love with. Such cute little balls. I started these from seed and had them under lights until they were ready to put outside. I read somewhere that you could use your compost pile to plant zucchini in since they are such heavy feeders, so I made big piles of compost where I wanted the plants and just put the starts in the center of the pile. It’s worked wonderfully and I will continue to do it this way.

I also learned that each zucchini plant produces both male and female flowers. When your little zucchinis rot and fall off the plant, it means they were never pollinated

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. I was hand pollinating my flowers and found out that I was doing it wrong, actually*. I was essentially too late to the party. You see that flower in the top right? How it’s all curled up? Once your flower is like that – it’s too late. Either your plant got pollinated or it didn’t. See the flower in the bottom right? How it looks like a tube? This is what you need. That is of course, if you are interested in hand pollinating.

The flower on the left is a male. Peel back the flowers and you can see the pollen covered stamen. The flower on the right is a female, you can tell by the the wee little zucchini at the base (not shown, of course). Peel back her flower and rub the pollen on the center pistil. Smoke a cigarette, perhaps take a shower.

It’s an oddly intimate act, and I felt a little funny when I first started doing it, like I was invading their privacy or something. The guilt is over and now all I can think about is eating their babies! And I’ve been so consumed with the copulating that I forgot about stuffing the flowers with cheese! Yum!
*My info came from Caitlin, an awesome person at the Olympia Seed Exchange.

Comments: 2
  • LauraVW July 28, 2010 1:52 pm

    They look fantasic – well done! We are growing zucchini too (though here in the UK, they are called courgettes), because we have a delicious pasta recipe that uses the yellow ones, and we can hardly ever find them for sale. So far there are three teeny tiny yellow courgettes growing – I hope we’ll get to eat them before the slugs do…

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