Fish in a Barrell
A co-worker was kind enough to give me two goldfish for my little pond
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. It’s infested with mosquito larvae and slimy algae so I am hoping that the little guys survive and clean up the joint a bit. I went out this morning to check on them and I didn’t see anyone floating…so far so good!
the pump is totally worth it! then you can get a nice little bamboo spitter which sounds great and will attract birds…
the raccoons are evil! one year we had snails, a tadpole (!) and koi eggs (all by accident) and they were growing and doing great until the nightly raids began!
Thanks Shannon, I was sort of worried about the fact that I didn’t have a pump. I’ll have to look into getting one. I didn’t realize that the oxygenating plants shut down for the evening. That’s so interesting! I have evil raccoons as well, so this may be an execise in futility.
we had a barrel pond too and the fish always died until we got a pump – the person at the water garden store said that the oxygenating plants don’t work when the sun is down. the pump did the trick – until the evil racoons came