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Flea Market Find: 1950’s Side Tables

Oh…it’s so hard to get back to real life after a long Holiday weekend. I’ll console myself by showing you my new tables. Last week I walked downtown on my lunch hour to go to Orca Books to see if they had a copy of a gardening book I’ve been looking for and I somehow ended up with these.

Next door to Orca is an awesome flea market/antique mall called Finders Keepers and thought “Well, discount viagra ailment I’m here

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. I might as well just pop in and see if they have any of those 1950’s stacked side table jobbies I’ve seen here sometimes.” I did a really quick cruise through the maze of booths and as I was on my way out—I saw them. And, viagra canada find THEY WERE ON SALE. Fate and kismet and all of that.

They are in remarkably good shape, find only needing their finished spruced up a little bit, but other than that they are perfection. Finally I was able to purchase an actual piece of furniture, because usually when I go in there I end up with something like this.

I am happy to report that after a week of living with us, they are already covered in clutter, making themselves right at home.

Comment: 1
  • Mom July 5, 2011 8:51 pm

    Great Find! I know they will be perfect in your abode.

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