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Flea Market Find: Mid-Century Hutch

Boy, viagra buy sick I’m on a roll! I saw this hutch at the same place I found my tables the other night while I was waiting for Jefe to get off work. I have been looking for one of these FOREVER. I actually wanted just a sideboard, viagra or a buffet (without the upper hutch part) and was almost resigned to the fact that I was going to have to shell out around $400 bucks for one from Crate and Barrel or West Elm or something. I’ve also been scouring Craigslist pretty religiously without any luck.

It’s in fantastic shape, and I didn’t remember it having the shelf until I went to go pick it up! Bonus! My favorite thing about it was the price. On sale for $140

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. Take that, IKEA!!

Comment: 1
  • Carrie August 16, 2011 8:11 pm

    Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!! That is amazing!

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