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Floor Prep Phase One: Reality Sinks In. Sort of.

countdownclock3qs10 Things are about to get a little insane around here I think. Right now I am in sort-and-organize mode (and beginning to realize how much crap I have) prepping to rip the carpet out of the entire downstairs. Stuff has to be off the floor, sildenafil viagra little tsotchkes have to be put away, viagra generic ampoule and the books, oh Lordy, I have a ton of books – those have to be put somewhere so that the bookshelves can be moved.

This means all projects are on hold as well. I am about 35% done with the Kasia skirt and it’s going to be SO cute, but the sewing station has to be put away moved somewhere I have yet to determine

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I thought that I was going to be able to repaint the walls before the floor went in – Ha! Hahahaha…..ah….THAT‘s not going to happen.

I am doing a lot of decorating in my head and should probably do one of those really cool mock-up/mood boards that Making it Lovely and This Young House are so good at. I find them harder to put together than they seem. In the mean time I am having a pretty intense long distance love affair with that clock over there at CB2. It will be mine.

Rugs. Rugs are also on the brain. We will need rugs. Lots and lots of rugs. I got the new Flor catalog in the mail yesterday and it may well be my savior.  And ever since I saw Nicole talk about  the Be my neighbor rug from Flor I have been obsessed with it.

So to recap: sorting through crap and fantasizing about clocks and rugs. Good times.

Comments: 2
  • Karan January 29, 2010 11:28 pm

    DId I already tell you about Rej and El Jay writing secret messages on the subfloor before we covered it up with the wood? I love thinking about the messages they left to the future there…they can hardly remember doing it.

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