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Garden Update: Early July

My elderberry is finally blooming! First time since I planted it

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. I wonder if I’ll have enough berries to make a cordial…?

The deer have eaten most of the peas, generic viagra case but there were a few left for us to snack on. Nothing like a snap pea fresh from the garden.

I thinned some carrots and pulled these wee little things. They are so pretty!

I’ve been vigilent searching for cut worm larvae on my cabbages whenever I see the small white butterflies hovering around and have SQUASHED them into oblivion. I have finally come to accept that a larger part of gardening success is killing bugs.

And thanks to @skirtmuseum (jess of krista and jess) I have found my dream chicken coop and have purchased the plans. I can’t wait to get started on the construction! Our neighbors across the street breed Araucanas and have already offered us chicks (for next year of course) so that gives me some time at least. At the rate I get things done, I’ll need it.

Comments: 2
  • LauraVW July 12, 2011 1:16 pm

    Love the carrots! I am looking after my neighbours’ two chickens this week. We’ve had plenty of eggs while we’ve been caring for them. I pop round at about 6am to let them out (which is a struggle for me!), and then just before 10pm to secure them in the closed in part at night. We get foxes round here, so it’s important to be very careful. They live in one of these: http://www.omlet.co.uk/shop/shop.php?cat=Eglu&sub=Eglu+Classic&product_id=40&product_name=Eglu+Classic+-+Green+-+Chicken+House

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