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Gardening progress


This is what the main garden section of the yard looks like at the moment

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. I am seriously going to try to add pavers to the center section of the raised beds, viagra sale shop but for now I am cultivating a fantastic crops of weeds. What’s with the straw bales you ask? I am going to plant vegetables in them.  More on that as I progress, but for now just know that I am currently in the soak-the-hell-out-of-them stage.


Wine barrel half with lettuce that needs to be thinned, and a small pot of micro greens. We also have my ever expanding collection of euphorbias next to the well house and the other half of the wine barrel. It’s filled with water and I am brewing up a batch of mosquito larvae. It’s easier than you think, actually.


And this…oh man…do you see that small white stake I have tried to circle in red but in retrospect I should have used a heavier stroke but I am too lazy to go back and redo it? Yeah, that one next to the jolly Buddha statue with the guy pointing skyward. That is my official property boundary line! This WHOLE patch of land is officially ours! It’s about 100×30 feet and it gets full sun all day. It’s always been ours but none of us new exactly where the boundary lines were so I had to dispatch with an arm and one of my legs to get a survey done.  Next stop- Fenceville! Then on to Garden Town.


It’s been a banner week for all things yard related as I acquired a rain barrel from a coworker for free! My friend Diana and I each got one and she is one these kindhearted people I keep reading about who immediately thought of thanking the coworker with a batch of cookies.  I am the lame one, because that never even crossed my mind…”Wha? Snickerdoodles?” Lesson learned, baking will commence shortly.

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