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Getting back on the sewing horse

School started this week and that usually means that I drop everything else I am doing or want to do because my brain can only handle focusing on one thing at a time. However,last semester was really stressful and it made me realize that I needed to keep these things, to help me focus on something else for a while and get my mind off of my classes

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. The first project is one that I started this summer, trying to appropriate Butterick pattern 5031 to fit the sloper I made last year.  You can see the resulting mess above.

One of the things I love (but used to hate) about sewing is that you cannot half-ass it, or rush the process, which I am wont to do. This usually results in a waste of fabric and an ill-fitting garment that completely negates the intention of attempting a custom fit in the first place. I am horribly impatient and every time I try to short-cut the process I end up with a piece of crap – a tactile lesson reminding me that I need to do it right.

I am thinking of perhaps a charcoal grey cotton, something I can throw in the washing machine, and to keep things interesting perhaps adding a black band on the bottom.

I am finding myself shying away from any sort of patterned print, but I think a trip to the fabric store is in order. But, first things first. I need to make a muslin and made sure it fits first.

All of these thoughts on sewing are leading me to seriously covet a serger. Oohh…I want one so badly.

Comments: 2
  • ntRebecca February 18, 2010 8:26 pm

    When some students stuck with research essay accomplishing, thus I will offer to buy essay writing from some paper writing service in such case.

  • alison February 10, 2009 3:25 am

    Best of luck wiht the new sewing project! I recently got a serger, after wanting one for years. I’m still figuring it out, but I think it will really speed up my sewing. I like your sketch, the dress looks both practical and cute.

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