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Giant Rabbits and Spaghetti Infused Hot dogs


Just a few things I found this morning that caught my eye:

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  • buy cialis discount 0,5970604.photo” target=”_blank”>Giant Rabbits. I want one. via fffound.
  • Crazy Spaghetti hot dogs. I could not, for the life of me, figure out how the hell this was done. So when I read it I felt like an idiot. I am sure you are smarter than I am…can you figure it out? via The Kitchn.
  • The most awesomest DIY sofa. (more here.) I hate, hate, hate our seating arrangement we have in the living room and this looks like something I could think about doing for a long-ass time and never get around to. Add it to the list! via Desire to Inspire.

Comments: 3
  • Carrie July 28, 2009 2:20 pm

    Poke the dry spaghetti through the hot dogs and then boil them?

  • marné July 1, 2009 10:10 pm

    I was considering pygmy goats for our little farm next, but now I think I have to have one (or two!) of those rabbits. Adorable!The spaghetti hot dogs are off-putting yet strangely intriguing.

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