Giant Rabbits and Spaghetti Infused Hot dogs
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- Vintage lingerie patterns that are making my salivate with desire
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. Some of you know that I have a serious problem with buying patterns that is bordering on INTERVENTION and I have actually been looking for nightgowns and such lately without much luck. They pretty much all suck with the exception of the folkware ones, but I can’t get those at Joann’s for $2. via Angry Chicken.
- buy cialis discount 0,” target=”_blank”>Giant Rabbits. I want one. via fffound.
- Crazy Spaghetti hot dogs. I could not, for the life of me, figure out how the hell this was done. So when I read it I felt like an idiot. I am sure you are smarter than I am…can you figure it out? via The Kitchn.
- The most awesomest DIY sofa. (more here.) I hate, hate, hate our seating arrangement we have in the living room and this looks like something I could think about doing for a long-ass time and never get around to. Add it to the list! via Desire to Inspire.
Poke the dry spaghetti through the hot dogs and then boil them?
Oooh…pygmy goats are so cute! I wonder if the giant rabbits could be house rabbits,…I suppose it would be like having a small dog.
I was considering pygmy goats for our little farm next, but now I think I have to have one (or two!) of those rabbits. Adorable!The spaghetti hot dogs are off-putting yet strangely intriguing.