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Grilled Figs Wrapped in Prosciutto

What you ever done this? Oh man, generic cialis no rx it’s so good! You have to try it

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. I love when fig season arrives and this is one of my favorite ways to eat figs. Suff them with cheese, generic cialis treatment wrap them in prosciutto (sorry vegetarians…I’ve been trying to think of a substitute) and stick them on a hot grill. The prosciutto gets nice and crisp and acts like a shell that holds in the melty hot cheese and the sweet fig. They are heavenly and decadent and a perfect starter.

You will need:

Fresh figs (I would say 2-3 per person)
Goat cheese, help softened
Rosemary or other herbs of choice

Here’s what you do:

Cut an “X” in the bottom of each fig.

Pipe your cheese mixture into each fig. You could do this just with a ziploc that has a corner cut off, but I love piping things with a tip, so I’ll take any opportunity I can to whip that thing out. I think also that a metal tip is easier to jam into the belly of a fig.

Wrap each fig in a slice of prosciutto, making sure to cover the hole you piped the cheese into. The prosciutto sticks to itself really well, so you should be able to cover the fig nicely. Like so:

Drizzle them with olive oil and add some pepper if the mood strikes you and pop them on the grill. They don’t take very long and it’s best if you eat them while they’re hot. You could drizzle them with honey, or a balsamic syrup would be good as well. You could even get crazy and use blue cheese instead of the goat cheese. Yay figs!

Comments: 3
  • Carrie August 16, 2011 8:11 pm

    Did you get my stepmom’s e-mail? She made these with figs from my brother’s garden!

  • Alicia July 19, 2011 3:53 pm

    Well done, that looks so tasty I am definitely gonna try this! Thanks!

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