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Happy Friday


So…you know the mug collection I inherited? And you know how I said I wasn’t going to add to it? Well…how could I not? But I swear I am going stop here. Maybe.

I have the day off and have a huge list of items to do, buy viagra troche which included taking the cat to the vet. Yay me. There is a new store that opened here in Olympia called Whittle that I am extremely interested in.  From what I gather it’s sort of like one of those paint-it-yourself ceramic places, but with wood.  I took a woodworking class in school and absolutely LOVED it and have been wanting to get back into it ever since, but have been overwhelmed by the idea of acquiring tools and accessories

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. This place just may be able to scratch that itch.


So anyway, this is Earl, my experiment wih trying to make a custom fur brush in Photoshop, and he DEMANDS that you have a good weekend!

Comment: 1
  • kim May 9, 2009 2:51 pm

    love the new space AND Earl! xoxo Kim

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