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Harvesting Garlic

It’s garlic time!  Woo-hoo! Fall planted garlic is probably about ready to be harvested, but how can you tell for sure? Look for 3-5 brown leaves on each stalk. If you have only a one or two, let the garlic stay in the ground for another week – don’t water it – and check it again. You should actually stop watering all together a few weeks before you think you might harvest…the 4th of July is an easy-to-remember water cut-off date

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. This helps prep the garlic for harvesting and curing.

I’m going to tie these babies up in bundles and hang them in the garage to let the outer papery skins to dry. We will be able use them all winter! I doubt they’ll last that long as we go through garlic like crazy.  At this point I could also keep a few heads for seeding in the fall, but I am going to try another variety instead and plant about twice as much. Overall, a successful harvest. Garlic is super easy to grow and very satisfying vegetable crop. Yay garlic!

Comments: 4
  • Maitreya August 27, 2011 8:12 pm

    What are your favorite garlic varieties to grow? I planted garlic for the first time last year, and now I’m hooked 🙂

  • LauraVW August 3, 2011 11:50 am

    Wow! These look great. Perhaps you may be able to help me with a garlic question: when I buy garlic, after I’ve had it for a little while, I find green shoots when I cut into it. I usually just discard those bits and cook with the rest of the garlic clove, but should I be eating them? And do these appear in your garlic, when it’s been stored in your garage? Or is it just something that happens inside a warm kitchen?

  • Karan August 2, 2011 9:12 pm

    Check off prepare for vampire invasion.

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