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Harvesting Zucchini

viagra buy sales yellow zucchini” src=”http://www.ericamulherin.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/zucchini_yellow.jpg” alt=”” width=”667″ height=”1001″ />

I’m going three varieties of zucchini this year, buy cialis ampoule all of them are round. These are one of the most satisfying things to grow for me…and I’m not sure why. I am not a huge zucchini fan, online but I love these little round things. I’ve had a few drop off from not being pollinated, so I was out one morning to see if I could do a little hand pollinating to help things along.  I saw Miss Bee up there (off topic, but did you know that every bee you see is most likely female? Males are only used for breeding and then they die. Or are killed

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. I can’t remember.) gathering some pollen in a male flower. She hopped on over to the female in the photo above and did the work for me! I love it!

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