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Hash: The Bacon Edition

This week’s hash is a trifecta of bacon, generic viagra cure inspired by the bacon sausage sold at Uli’s Famous Sausage in Pike Place Market. We went a litte sausage crazy there, purchase and my eyes about popped out of my head when I saw the bacon sausage. I knew immediately that it would be going into hash.

Bacon shows up again in the cheese. I think it’s made locally, find but unfortunately the label on the cheese disappeared long ago and I can’t remember who makes it.

Last but not least, pure unadulterated bacon was cooked and then pulverized to make a bacon “powder” to use as a garnish

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.  A gloriously greasy garnish.

Mushrooms, potatoes, eggs, and a beautiful yellow oregano complete the dish. I totally overcooked the eggs, AGAIN…I make myself crazy sometimes. You would think that I would not forget that I have something under the broiler.  But I walk off to go do something else…la la la…tasty bacon bacon bacon hash anyway. Add your hash to the flick pool!


-Homer Simpson

Comments: 2
  • Alicia July 19, 2010 4:45 pm

    I have this habit of reading your blog late at night, before I go to bed. These kinds of posts make me go to bed hungry! Being not familiar with hash (as I live in the netherlands and I don’t think we have this in our culinary tradition), I wonder if you eat this for dinner of lunch or breakfast? It must be good anytime of the day.. Do you eat it with a salad or other side dishes? Thanks for the tasty pictures!

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