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Funny how in my last post I’m all like “I’m going to blog MORE!” and then totally disappeared. What the hell? I suppose I need to work on blogging about stuff as it’s happening as opposed to storing it up and then vomiting all out at once.  Baby steps!


I started working with Sherold Barr, an amazing and wonderful business coach I met at The Blogcademy back in March to help me get my butt in gear and start my own business. I’m super inspired and am doing a lot of work and prototyping and brainstorming and drawing and my goal is to have stuff on Etsy in October. Creating is hard work.



I got clocked in the head with the little plastic bead that is on resistance bands when the door I was using popped open as I had the band pulled back ALL THE WAY. I ended up in the ER getting my head stapled back together. That took me out for like a week and a half. Working out is hard work.



I got my herb beds built and filled with soild and have started building my cobb oven! I cast a concrete counter and it WORKED. I harvested arugula last night for some pesto and I have all kinds of starts I need to get in the ground

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.  My back is killing me…Gardening is hard work.



I’ve been sewing like crazy and pretty much wasted a bunch of time on this vintage halter pattern before coming to the realization that just would never wear something like this. Sorta sad, but sorta freeing. Self-actualization is hard work.


So…to sum up: I’ve been working hard. But! At least I’ve been documenting it. What have you been up to?

Comments: 4
  • LauraVW June 11, 2013 1:14 pm

    Yikes! Hope your poor head is healing up well! I have not been blogging much, but life is pretty good – it’s just that I don’t get round to writing about it. I’m off to Paris shortly, so that should give me plenty to write about.

  • Lilly June 6, 2013 2:03 pm

    Hi Erica! You were missed 😉 Sorry to hear about your head, but glad you are okay. I feel the same way, like I’ve been doing stuff, but there is no time to blog about it. Personally, I’m okay with just blogging about it later. No one has to know exactly when you did stuff, right? Unless it obviously time sensitive, like holiday related. Guess it would be funny to be blogging about my Christmas gift making ideas in May, but otherwise, who cares! Sometimes, we just gotta live in the moment, and go with the flow (that is our busy lives these days). Guess you could call that a heavy flow? Or is that gross? Anyway, welcome back and good to see what you have been working on!

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