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Hello Gorgeous


I seriously need to be stopped. Isn’t she awesome? A little hard to look at though, viagra sales advice huh? She is a swizzle stick holder and I won her last night on eBay. She is double-sided, cialis sales treatment and her other face is “normal” :crazy_lady

I find it very interesting that another set of eyes also comes with another chin. And what happened to her tooth?  I can’t wait for her to arrive so I can hold her in my hot little hands.

And on a somewhat related note, capsule J and I are going to Portland this weekend to attend the 3rd Annual Great American Distillers festival

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. Jeffery wants to make gin. I suppose after making wine and now working at a brewery it’s time to move up in the world. I find distillation a fascinating process, after researching it a little bit when I was in my toiletry making phase. We’re taking the train, which I am so excited about and am hoping to visit Powell’s Bookstore and Voodoo Donuts and of course, Rich’s Cigar Store & Magazines. I personally could do without the cigars, that’s Jeffery’s thing, but we both are serious magazine whores and this place has the best selection of magazines I have ever seen.  Can’t wait!

Comments: 5
  • Noel24Carissa March 12, 2010 12:56 am

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  • Erica October 29, 2009 6:50 am

    I know, she’s really hard to look at – it’s so weird. I think it was on purpose to sort of support the “double vision” of drinking too much.

  • Carrie October 28, 2009 7:29 pm

    Ow ow ow ow!  It hurts to look at it!  Was that on purpose, or is that some kind of manufacturing error?

  • erika October 28, 2009 6:42 am

    that makes me so dizzy!  hope you had fun.  🙂

  • mom October 23, 2009 3:56 pm

    OMG….that is so ugly that it is cute!!!  Now you need to collect swizzle sticks, or do you have some already?  FUNNY!!!  Have a great weekend.!

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