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Hi there. Remember me?


Holy COW. What the heck have I been up to these last SEVEN months?

Meh. Not a whole lot. Mostly binge watching shows on Netflix.

But…it’s a new year and I told myself that I would be BETTER about blogging in 2015. And then I promptly forgot I said that and was sort of like…”Oh yeah…crap. I was gonna blog. Better get on that.”

So. I’ll just give you a few higlights to sum up the past half a year so we’re all on the same page:

I’m learning video stuffs at work now, generic cialis no rx which I am totally loving. Me…IN ACTION:

Attended the School House Craft conference last fall and got super inspired and met a bunch of great, discount viagra talented people. It was inspiring and I am really hoping to start my own thing in 2015.

I’m doing the Make Art that Sells course, which started last fall and starts up again in the spring. I sorta sucked at it (in a good, learning sort of way) and I only managed to finished 2 out of 5 assignments (because I suck)…but I told myself I would TOTALLY DO BETTER NEXT TIME, which starts up again in March. So here’s one of the assignments I managed to actually complete, a children’s book cover:

And! The seed catalogs are arriving in the mail, which means it’s almost GARDEN TIME!

I think for now, since I am dipping my toe back into the blogging world, I am going to try to start with one post a week, which will be on Fridays. SO

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. Have a great weekend! See you next week!

Comments: 2
  • Sherlonya February 23, 2015 3:57 pm

    Yay! So glad you’re back! This blog is one of my faves.

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