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Holiday crafting sneak peek

I spent the weekend crafting, cialis generic pills crafting, viagra usa crafting my butt off. It’s funny how you can start out with one idea and move in a completely different direction. My initial idea was to make skate stockings, to echo the ones the little gnomes are wearing in my card, but I ran into technical difficulties and decided to shelve that particular project

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. I’ve always wanted to make large stuffed mushrooms, after seeing some in a magazine that were made by Tamar Mogendorff, so I decided to see if I could whip something up.

I have to say they are pretty darn cute. I am turning them into Gnome homes with a little front door. I am envisioning them arranged under a tree in a little gnome community.

Comment: 1
  • Mom November 22, 2011 7:27 pm

    Really Cute!!!

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