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Hotel Bedroom Inspiration

We are currently on vacation in Oregon celebrating Jefe’s birthday. It’s been awesome so far, viagra sale there even the though the weather has been crap. This is our hotel room in Portland called The Nines. It’s probably the prettiest hotel room I have ever been in (also the smallest.) I walked into the room and was like “Oooo – the headboard!!” I love it! I am going to tackle our bedroom after the bathroom is done and I think I am going to try to recreate this awesomely large white headboard. The teeny-weeny size aside, cialis there are many things l like about this room.

The color scheme is one, and this chair is another. I scavenged a chair off the side of the road a few years ago that I haven’t been able to decide what to do with and I think I might try to emulate the look of this one. It’s a totally different shaped chair, but I think I will paint it white and find a fabric close the one in the hotel room

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. This room is actually very similar to what I had envisioned in my head for our bedroom and it’s nice to see it “in person” so-to-speak. Even with mood boards, it’s hard to know what a room is going to look like until you have it done.

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