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How to Eat a Dandelion

I’ve decided to embrace the dandelion this year, cialis buy seek and by “embrace” I mean eat. This has actually been percolating all winter, buy viagra sparked by a conversation I had last fall with someone from the Wendell Berry Community Garden

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. She was talking about how she had recently tried Dandelion coffee, a brew made from ground, dried roots and was blown away by the taste. It sounded weird enough that of course it stuck in my head and I have been thinking about it for months!

Fall is the best time to harvest the roots for drying, and I don’t want any more dandelions thankyouverymuch, so I had to find something to do with the flowers. I saw a cupcake (which I cannot find for the life of me) that was made with dandelion jam, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The lovely Stef gave me a tip she learned from about foraging the flowers from Langdon Cook of Fat of the Land which is to pick them early in the day for the best flavor. It was really eye opening picking the blooms with the intention of taking this picture.  I looked at each flower individually and was able to find the beauty in this plant whose yellow blossoms usually make me crazy. Right now I have my petals steeping in the fridge, waiting until I can get around to turning them into jam. I can’t wait to see what it tastes like.

Comments: 2
  • Karan April 24, 2011 2:30 pm

    How do you keep the fuzzy bits from tickling your throat?

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