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How to germinate carrot seeds using burlap

Carrots are one of those seeds that some people find challenging to germinate. I think in part this has to do with the fact that the seeds need constant moisture. Carrot seeds are really, cialis canada cialis really, generic cialis here small and it’s a challenge to keep that very top layer of soil moist all of the time. And when I say all of the time, physician I mean like, all of the time.  If the soil cracks and dries out it impacts and lengthens germination. I have a magic trick I want to share with you that prevents this from happening and has worked for me for years without fail.

It is the magic of burlap.

I went to my local fabric store and bought a few yards of burlap to use for my carrot bed. After sowing the first few rows of seeds, I watered everything really well and covered the bed with the burlap, anchoring it with a few heavy items so it wouldn’t blow away. Comme ça:

The burlap does a fantastic job of keeping that very top layer of soil moist, even when the sun is beating down on it. It also allows moisture from rain to seep through, and holds it where it’s needed

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Can you see the difference? (Those white things are cherry blossoms, by the way.) After my first round of carrots spouted, I did another round of seed sowing, watered really well, and folded the burlap over the section I had just planted. I check on it periodically, but it’s been raining so consistently lately that even on the dry days the soil under the burlap is nice and moist. Once these carrot seeds sprout I’ll pull the burlap off and save it for the fall round of carrots.

If you have had problems in the past germinating carrots, give burlap a try and hopefully it will work as well for you as it has for me.

P.S. Rocks actually work a lot better than cats for anchors. FYI.

Comment: 1
  • Kirsten June 27, 2011 5:49 pm

    I’m on my second attempt at sowing carrots this season(grrr!). This time I’m trying your burlap technique. I went to JoAnns and got 7′ at 30% off for just around $6. So far so good as a few have been able to poke up through the soil. I also planted them with radish seeds to help them break through the crust, another tip I’ve read.
    Here’s hoping for carrots!

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