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How to Make Yogurt

I started off this yogurt making journey with the crockpot. I found a recipe that seemed so easy:

  • dump 8 cups of milk in the crockpot
  • cook on low for 2.5 hours
  • turn off crockpot and let sit for 3 hours
  • stir in 1/2 cup of plain yogurt of your choice
  • wrap crockpot in thick towel and let sit for 8 hours or overnight
  • Enjoy

I won’t get into it here, cialis salve but suffice it to say that after six attempts at making yogurt in the crockpot, discount viagra I am here to tell you that I will never make yogurt in the crockpot. I have tried six times and each time something weird happened, which I would then have to troubleshoot to figure out why. I had instructions for making yogurt on the stove top, but I had an odd mental block about it because it involved a thermometer. Like clipping the thing to the edge of the pot seemed like so much work!

So. Feel like making yogurt? Good. You’ll need a thermometer:

  • And…8 cups or a half gallon of milk

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    . DO NOT use ultra-pasteurized. Vital bacteria for yogurt making have been cooked to death and it won’t work. Trust me.

  • 1/2 cup of starter culture. Which is a fancy way of saying “yogurt”. You need yogurt to get yogurt. Use your favorite brand. I have used and liked Siggis, Fage, and Nancy’s non-fat plain yogurt.
  • 1/2 cup non-fat powdered milk. This will help thicken the yogurt, and technically it’s not required, but I would highly recommend it. Get a good quality powdered milk, not that instant granule grossness.
  • Canning jars to house incubating yogurt

Heat your milk in a pot on your stove to 180°. It’s important you reach this temperature, as the milk needs to get hot enough to cook the proteins so they break down. Otherwise you will get a slimy snot-like yogurt. It’s seriously disgusting. Trust me. Once your milk has reached 180°, take it off the heat and let it cool it down to 110°. This whole process will take maybe a half an hour? It doesn’t take long, and in the crockpot this whole process is about five hours. Reason pretty much number one why I won’t use a crockpot ever again.

While the milk is heating up and cooling down, sterilize your lids and jars. I poured boiling water into the jars and over the lids and rings which I had sitting in a bowl. Once the milk is cooled, use a little bit of it to dissolve the powdered milk, and pour it back into the pot along with your starter. Stir everything really well and pour it all off into the sterilized jars.

Okay, now we have to incubate. I had my oven turned on so that it was nice and warm and turned on the oven light.  I placed the jars on a baking sheet and stuck them in the oven overnight and had yogurt in the morning. Magic! You want to make sure that you are incubating at 100°. There are a lot of ways to incubate without a yogurt maker (see Tips), but the oven-light method worked fantastic for me, so I will stick with it.

Straining the yogurt will give you an awesome thick texture, but I find that you end up with less than half of what you started with. Leaving the yogurt to incubate longer will make it thicker, so I might just try that next time. And, I just saw a post on the Kitchn that has recommendations for using the whey from strained yogurt for smoothies and breads, and other things. Who knew? I have just been adding vanilla bean paste and agave and using it for my morning oatmeal.

I have not been able to reach the coveted Fage-like consistency, even when I have strained it, so I’m going to keep trying until I get it! Making yogurt is SO easy and economical, you should give it a shot!

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