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I Ate Salmon & Liked it

EDIT: Damn, I should not write blog posts first thing in the morning. Remind me not to do that

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We spent time this past weekend with wonderful friends eating wonderful food. That blobby looking roll is my contribution.

I didn’t get pictures of the delicious little appetizers we had. They were mini-scrambled-eggy glorious bites of yum in a filo cup. Also missing is the salad course! Alas!

I did learn that I like smoked salmon and am pretty darn excited about it. Our host made the AWESOME blinis with smoked salmon and crème fraîche. I could not believe how great it was! And I was eating it!

Salmon is so good for you and I live in Salmon Country, which means we have access to great salmon (or so I hear)…but I can’t stomach the stuff. I can’t even swallow it. I am thinking that the “smoked” is the key. I was afraid that smoked salmon would have an even stronger salmon taste, but the folks I’ve talked to about it say just the opposite. I’ve been hearing that Costco has great smoke salmon, and I’m thinking about trying the stuff that comes from our local fish monger.

You guys have any idea what I can do with it? What to eat it with?

Comments: 6
  • Ann Rule January 20, 2013 5:10 pm

    Smoked Salmon Deluxe
    1/3 cup sugar
    1/4 cup non-ionized salt
    2 cups soy sauce
    1 cup water
    1/2 tsp onion powder
    1/2 tsp garlic powder
    1/2 tsp pepper
    1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
    1 cup dry white wine

    Brine salmon chunks for 8 hours or more; keep refrigerated.
    Fill amoker pan with hickory, alder, or mix 2/3 apple with 1/3 cherry. (4-6 oz) Start with less and increase in the future.
    Leave in smoker until drying is complete (may take up to 12 hours, depending on thickness) Place largest and thickest chunks on the bottom rack.
    Smoker Temperature = 185 degrees

    We use half the soy sauce because we thought it was too salty. We try to get chunks cut about the same size. We don’t necessarily wait until it is very dry; we are more interested in eating it than preserving it. Salmon from BJs is drier than fresh salmon from the seafood store so it does not take as long.

    We eat it with salad in scrambled eggs and I have a smoked salmon pasta recipe I want to try. We may have to smoke one this week as my mouth is watering! You can smoke a larger quantity and vacuum package it for a later date. We haven’t tried that because there is never any left!

    Will have to try smoking salt in preparation of fresh tomatoes and basil. Good luck!

  • Ann Rule January 12, 2013 7:48 pm

    We have a smoker and smoke our own salmon from the local seafood store or BJs. It is wonderful! We eat it as is but may graduate to including it in some interesting recipes. I’ll send you our recipe. We are going to try smoking cheese soon.

  • Dad January 11, 2013 7:11 pm

    Send it to me. I’ll feed it to the Magpies!!

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