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I started a business!


After YEARS and YEARS and YEARS of thinking about it, and sort of dabbling, I am finally selling my art.

I found out that what I was missing all those years was a partner. I need a partner…and I found one. Her name is Jinger and she is my co-worker (at my full-time day job)

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. She is seriously one of the best people I have ever met in my entire life.

Jinger’s talent is hand lettering, which I totally suck at. She’s awesome and amazing at ton of other things and I can’t even begin to describe how magical it is to work with her.

Our business is called House+Heart. We create empowering, (hopefully) inspiring, beautiful art celebrating women. Jinger’s last name is House, but House and Mulherin doesn’t really flow very well and is not very catchy. Who’s going to remember that? I had started to incorporate hearts into the art I was creating at the time so House+Heart was born!

It’s taken us a year of collaborating and figuring out what the hell we are doing and we finally launched a collection of eight prints on May 1st via our Etsy shop.

This was a gigantic milestone, but we have a lot of work ahead of us. We are both super excited and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Check us out on Instagram and Pinterest!

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