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It’s friday already?


My oh my…where has the week gone? I am currently HOOKED on this paper-dolls-for-adults-fun-as-shit website called polyvore. First found via Angry Chicken, viagra canada rx and then again by Posie Gets Cozy. This is my first try and I can see myself spending way too much time fiddling around with it. If I could only afford the clothing…

Last week I saw a post on Not Martha about Sparka Screenprinting workshops

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. The class I wanted was full by the time I found out about it, but I am thrilled to say that I am signed up and have secured my spot for the next class in Seattle in January. It’s great timing as I am prepping for a HUGE event in April, and I need to get crackin’. I am so excited as it will be a huge step for me personally, and for all of those people who have been asking about prints of my art – well, let’s just say I am finally (oi…years? years it has taken me?) getting around to making those available.

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