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Just a sampling…

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seedsFrom top left: Spring lettuce mix, viagra sale nurse   ‘Black Swan’ poppy, viagra try Amaranth ‘Magic Fountains’Kaleidoscope carrot mix, Hollyhock ‘Nigra‘, Micro greens mix

These are just a few of the seeds I bought this year, and I am raring to go! If only the weather would cooperate, there is so much clean-up work I still need to do first.  I am attending a workshop on Saturday at our local demonstration garden on starting vegetables from seed, and after the class I am heading off to the Home Improvement Store to purchase a shop light.  Stef has given me some fantastic advice and tips (APS seed starting system, anyone?) and her little seedlings are looking good, it’s making me crazy with excitement.  I hope I am not starting too late, but better late than never, eh?

Comment: 1
  • Mom April 2, 2009 3:40 pm

    I love those black hollyhocks and those carrots!!!! Brilliant colors.  Good luck!

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