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More bedroom inspiration

I love the color scheme in this photo and am thinking of using it as inspiration for my bedroom makeover along with the hotel room at The Nines in Portland. I even have some prints that are sort of similar to the one in the photo. And while I am procrastinating grouting the bathroom tile, viagra usa ailment I have found a few upholstered headboard references that I can comeback to when I am ready:

  • Design*Sponges upholstered otomi headboard
  • Boudoir Glam’s tufted headboard tutorial from Green Your Decor
  • DIY Large Statement Headboard from All Things Thrifty via Apartment Therapy. I freaking LOVE this

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    . I am wondering what it would look like if instead of using the patterned fabric, putting one tufted button in the center of each “tile”.

Comments: 6
  • Solar Panel Dude July 16, 2011 7:00 pm

    I love reading your blog, keep these posts coming

  • Alicia November 23, 2010 5:04 pm

    I agree, i love the blue and pale green combination. very nice. couldn’t you make your own artwork? or are you too busy making the headboard 🙂 ?

  • LauraVW November 22, 2010 3:48 pm

    I’ve been looking at lights just like that one, for my mum’s kitchen. Here’s one we found:
    She’s going with these though:

  • Mom November 21, 2010 10:30 pm

    Erica, I saw something like this years ago and the individual “tiles” were simply attached at the wall with adhesive velcro tapes. Really a do it yourself project.

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