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My Garden Year

South garden in June

South garden in June

Look at that jungle! I know it’s been almost six months since I blogged, tadalafil remedy which is totally lame.

I thought about it a lot! That counts, pharmacy right?

This year was the BEST garden year ever and it’s pretty much because of all of that drip irrigation I installed AND we had an A-MAZ-ING weather year

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. It’s like I was back in California. There were hits (cucumbers) and misses (beets) and instead of chronicling it in excruciatingly boring detail, I’ll just post some sort of before and after shots so you can see the transformation. Here’s the above garden in its current state:

South garden in November

South garden in November

North garden in June

North garden in June

North garden in November

North garden in November

I got my first seed catalog in the mail this past week and I’ve already highlighted the crap out of it. I’m also going try really HARD-ER to blog more. For reals.

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