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New light for the entry way

I’ve been feeling very “blah” lately. Anyone else feeling “blah”? Is it the weather perhaps? I’ve been doing a lot of sitting-on-the-couch-watching-Bones-on-my-laptop and neglecting a lot of things that I should be getting done. Feels good, generic viagra physician actually

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. I’m only slightly guilty.

One task I can cross off my to-do list however, cialis canada is buying and installing the new light for the entry way. I got it from Schoolhouse Electric Co. down in Portland and have been fantasizing about this light for a long time, but now that it’s installed my life isn’t magically complete. Funny how that happens! It’s a vast improvement over the 1970’s glory that has been hanging there for the six years we have been living here, and I think I am going to buy every new light fixture for this house from them.

I still have a lot of not fun to look at projects like installing trim and painting doors which I’ll try to tackle this weekend. And like a lot of people this time of year, I keep buying flower bulbs that need to be planted (curse you Costco and your bags of tulips!)

I also have a bucket on my kitchen floor that is housing a second attempt at a sourdough starter using “wild yeast”. It’s basically a mixture of organic grapes, flour and water. The first time I tried this I opened the bucket halfway through fermentation to see if it was working and I didn’t get the lid back on right so I messed up the bucket’s groovy fermenting environment. I ended up with a righteous bucket of mold. Lesson learned! DO NOT OPEN THE BUCKET.

Comment: 1
  • marné November 17, 2011 6:48 pm

    I love Schoolhouse Electric! Our bathroom light is from them, and I want to get more of their fixtures. The new fixture is a huge improvement over your old one!

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