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Olympia Food Swap

Last night was the first ever Olympia Food Swap, cialis sale view which was so much fun. I made some macarons that were “fall themed” flavors: Caramel Apple, viagra Earl Grey (not really fall but whatever), hospital Pumpkin Spice and Pecan Maple and packaged them up in little tubes with a cute little label. People really seemed to like them which made me happy. And, let me tell you something – after many, many, many batches of these macarons – I still don’t have them quite figured out. Fussy little buggers.

But check out what I ended up with:

That’s quite a haul. I am so glad I never got around to making jam this summer because I ended up with a million yummy varieties like cantaloupe-mint, tomato, and grapefruit-rhubarb

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. Awesome. I also scored a cider vinegar mother (yes!) and some AMAZING caramels. There were so many great items made by some fantastic local people. I really can’t wait for the next swap.

Comments: 8
  • Alicia October 4, 2011 1:50 pm

    I think you should have a warning on your blog – ‘No reading before dinner’ because I always get hungry watching those pictures! I haven’t been here for a few days so I was behind but even the onions look really tasty! What’s in the hash besides goat’s cheese? O and I really like your gnome drawing, and I think you should sell stuff on your site so I could order it too 🙂

  • Kirsten October 2, 2011 10:47 pm

    I literally found out about this food swap a couple hours before the event! I happened to be reading the Food in Jars blog and saw her post about a food swap in Philly. I thought “what the heck, I’ll check to see if there’s anything like that in Olympia”. Doh! It sounds like so much fun and would love to join in. Your macarons look scrumptious by the way. 🙂

  • Brooke G October 1, 2011 3:26 pm

    How will you use the cider vinegar mother – I saw that and should have asked how to use it.

  • Brooke G September 30, 2011 4:47 pm

    We loved your macaroons! Great pictures on your blog. It was so nice meeting you last night and we hope to see you at future swaps.

  • Pingback: Successful first event « Oly Food Swap September 30, 2011 4:46 pm

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