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Pies With Purpose

My friend Christina recently asked if I would design a logo for an amazing endeavour she is spearheading: Pies with Purpose. Making the world a little sweeter, viagra canada sale one pie at a time.

This Thanksgiving, cialis ‘Pies With Purpose’, is raising money for Lewis County Food Banks through sales of artisan Washington Apple, Washington Cherry, and Organic Maple Pumpkin Pies

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100% of net proceeds go directly to the Lewis County Food Banks. All net proceeds will be generously matched by the Reader’s Digest Association.

All pies are made from scratch. All pies are made with love.

I so admire Christina putting her love for baking to such a noble cause. Doing something like this would really never even cross my mind (I am evil!) so I am thankful there are people like her in the world.

Comment: 1
  • Christina November 9, 2011 11:07 pm

    I just saw this Erica. You are so incredibly wonderful! Thank you for sharing your fantastic talent to promote this cause!

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