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Pink Things

I realized a few days ago that I have a lot of pink things going on in the house right now. They are all food projects of some sort and such a pretty shade of pink that I just had to share.

  • Chive blossom vinegar. So pretty! I haven’t tasted it yet, however
  • Elderflower champagne

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    . I saw You Grow Girl tweet that she was making this and I just HAD to try it.

  • The most perfect macaron shell ever. BraveTart’s recipe is rocking my world.
  • Rhubarb coulis. Can you see the vanilla bean specks? This stuff is SO tasty!

Happy Monday!

Comment: 1
  • Kirsten July 19, 2012 12:06 am

    I made chive vinegar too. It is the most gorgeous color isn’t it? Speaking of other pink things, I also made homemade rhubarb, strawberry and raspberry liqueurs. Can’t wait to make some fun cocktails with those.

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