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Planting Garlic

The garlic is in the ground! On Saturday morning, viagra canada cialis I helped plant garlic over at the WBCG and was able to take what I learned and apply it to my own little garden patch. It couldn’t be simpler, cialis canada and really, and I the hardest part was preparing the space for the garlic to go

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. This little strip used to be lawn not all that long ago and since it’s been solarized and covered with wood chips, the grass roots hadn’t had time to fully decompose so I had major clumps to remove.

Once that was done I amended my trench with compost and raked it smooth. I was aiming for light and fluffy. If I was REALLY awesome I would have tested the soil and figured out what exactly was missing so I could add it. But, alas, I am only slightly awesome and didn’t do that.

I had purchased about 7 heads of seed garlic at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago, and of course, I can’t remember the variety! Planting is so easy. Garlic is on 4″ centers, which means you space the garlic 4″ apart in all directions. My little bed is long, but not wide, so I ended up with two rows, 4″ apart. Break up the heads and leave the skin on the cloves. Make a hole about 2″ deep, or up to your knuckle on your finger and pop the clove in, pointy side up. Larger cloves should yield a better bulb. Cover with soil and Bob’s your Uncle. I hope he likes garlic!

I also added a fresh layer of straw around the garlic, and as it get’s closer I will cover the garlic with straw to protect it from the cold. I need to be careful about slugs, though…I don’t want them munching on my stuff and straw is perfect cover for them. The slug war is on.

garlic bed

Comments: 5
  • Karan October 28, 2010 2:23 pm

    You have become quite the farmer!

  • Mom October 27, 2010 8:32 pm

    Hey…we think you are REALLY awesome! Don’t sell yourself short! Yum…for the green chili and the salsa.

  • Kate October 27, 2010 12:15 pm

    I am liking your tips, we are planting garlic this weekend, so it is well timed. Will have to buy some straw!

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