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Post-Birthday Loot Recap

Through a series of unfortunate photos:

Latte heart at Cafe D’Arte in Seattle. Jefe LOVES this place and we always stop here for coffee.

This is probably a good time to mention that I got a new camera (HUZZAH!) for my birthday and it’s super complicated with many dial and buttons and settings. It’s going to take me a while to figure it out. The pictures looked amazing on the camera view screen, yet when downloaded to the computer, it seemed like I wasn’t focusing on what I thought I was focusing on. Oh well! Learning, right? The tulips at Pike Place Market are sooooo pretty right now, in focus or not.

This was my first time visiting the Gum Wall at Pike Place Market. After all the years going there, (my sister-in-law has a booth) I hadn’t even HEARD of it until a co-worker wen recently. It’s unreal.

And finally, a very bad photo of my new Wellies taken with my new camera

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. These babies are going to be seeing a lot of action in the garden. All in all it was an awesome weekend in which I was spoiled with presents, good food, and too much booze. I am sort of glad it’s over. Sort of.

Comments: 3
  • ESTRADACLAIRE November 12, 2011 4:53 pm

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  • LauraVW April 15, 2011 4:58 am

    Your pictures are lovely – especially the tulip one. I just got the same camera, and it’s nice to know someone else that has it. I’ve never had an SLR before and so I have a lot to learn. I was planning to go on a course but it got cancelled, so I’ll have to get to grips with it by myself until the next course, in September. I have noticed the little red dots in the middle of the viewfinder lighting up when they have decided what to focus on, and if I release the picture-taking button and try again, they seem to focus on something else, so I can switch from focusing on one thing to another in that rather clumsy way for now…

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