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Pumpkin Spice Macarons

A co-worker sent me a link to The Cupcake Project’s Pumpkin Pie Spice Macarons with Caramel, tadalafil pilule Dark Chocolate Ganache, mind and Smoked Sea Salt last week and I knew immediately I had to try them. They are curing in the fridge right now so I can’t say for sure how they came out, malady but if my sample taste is any indication, they might be my favorite so far. Awesome. They are awesome, and they are indeed my favorite thus far. That being said, the next time I make these I will adjust the filling ratios and pipe less chocolate ganache

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I am still having issues of course. Of course! See the difference in these two shells? Aside from being overcooked, the one on the left is wrinkly, which I think is due to a combination of messing up my merengue (I did an italian one instead of french) and having a too low oven temperature. I think I got my method down now, so we’ll see how the batch I make this weekend turns out. I meant to bring these into the office for my coworkers but Jefe and I ate too many of them. Oops!

Comment: 1
  • Christina October 17, 2011 4:07 pm

    Gorgeous! Just the picture made my mouth water! Beautifully done.

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