Replacing the Bathroom Light
Well…now that I have gone through the experience of installing this thing, I can see why we put it off for a year and a half. What I thought was going to be the most difficult part was the easiest (thanks Home Depot Guy!) It seems like no matter how much you prepare before hand (finding studs, measure, measure, measure,) something unforeseen pops up and makes a seemingly straight forward project take all afternoon. Ugh. But it’s up!
See that hook? That’s for the mirror. The mirror we took off to work on the light.
Now it doesn’t fit. Ha!
I need to move the hook down a little bit, but it’s going have to be a well thought out operation because there is an exact space the mirror will fit so the hook will have to go in a specific spot. That means a lot of measuring and math, which taxes my brain. So hopefully I’ll be able to work on that this week. I’ve come this far and I won’t let a few computations and numbers bring me down.
The wiring was actually the easiest part about this whole process. All we had to do was rotate the box so that the mounting holes lined up. Things fell apart after that.
Love it! How did you manage the wiring process? I remember that there was a problem with the original box wasn’t there?
Hi Jenni!
Thank you!! It’s like two steps forward and one step back, let me tell you. (I love it though, not matter how much I complain). What color did you choose for your bathroom?
Hi Alicia!
I was trying to get a good picture of the swirly stuff in the glass to show how pretty it is, but I just couldn’t get an exact picture of what it actually looks like “on”. I can see how that would be confusing, as it actually puts out quite a bit of light. Sketches. Sigh. I got sucked into watching episodes of Eureka on Netflix. Lame, Erica. Totally lame. I have another 3 day weekend coming up though!
I’m inspired. This looks beautiful and makes me want to dig out the paint we bought for the bathroom last fall. Good for you for sticking with this project!
Interesting light. It looks a bit dark in the second picture, why is that? I mean, is that the amount of light it gives you? I guess not, but I’m just a bit puzzled. I do like the motives on the light.
And what happened to your sketches?