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newyear1 I love making resolutions! This year I hope to:

participate in an Art Show in April
learn how to silk screen
get an agent
sew more clothes
buy a new camera
do some MAJOR home renovations
learn French
go to Paris
build a fence
build a wood-fire bread oven for patio
build patio for bread oven
ramp up my curent fitness regimen
make my own yogurt
learn to make tamales
master the art of chocolate tempering
learn how to can
grow a better garden
use my sketchbook everyday
create more
blog more
love more

Comments: 6
  • MillicentRandolph March 14, 2010 10:11 pm

    Some time before, I needed to buy a building for my business but I did not have enough money and couldn’t order something. Thank God my fellow adviced to get the home loans at creditors. Thence, I did so and used to be satisfied with my college loan.

  • Christina January 6, 2010 5:10 pm

    Sounds like you have a fantastically wonderful year ahead of you! Can’t wait ’till the art show!!!!

  • erika January 5, 2010 9:19 am

    you can do all that and then some!  Happy New Year!

  • Les January 1, 2010 2:42 pm

    Slacker!!! =)

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