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Saving seeds


Do you save seeds? I don’t really…at least not anymore. Most times I lop off the dead flowers, viagra sale find or don’t let the plant flower at all depending on what it is. I never really gave it much thought. This weekend as I was removing a pile of dried chive blossoms I had on my counter for the past month and tiny black seeds scattered all over the place when I picked up the flower heads. It dawned on me that I should be saving these, and starting more plants with them

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. What a concept!

Comment: 1
  • Mom July 1, 2010 7:34 pm

    Erica, love the new look. OMG…I have been saving seeds forever. My entire front garden (at least 90%) is there because I saved seeds and started new plants. I always deadhead and let the flower heads fall where they may. Then the next spring I have loads of new plants to transplant or give away or do away with.

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