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Savory Black Pepper Rhubarb with Poached Duck Egg

Have you seen the food blog The Year In Food? I recently stumbled across it and was totally blown away. I am really interested in seasonal eating, viagra buy healing which this blog focuses on, discount viagra sovaldi and the photos are absolutetly stunning. I am so totally making Kimberley’s Smoky Carrot Hummus just as soon as my carrots are ready to harvest.

The one of the two things I have growing in my garden at the moment that is in season is rhubarb (the other being chives) and I was less than thrilled with the idea of eating it. I am not really a fan. Pretty much the only reason I am growing it is to use the leaves to make concrete leaf castings.  I have yet to do this of course, so the poor thing gets ignored.

I set out to find something to do with this stuff as I didn’t really want to do the typical Strawberry Rhubarb pie, crumble, or crisp. I wanted something different – and I found it. As soon as I saw “duck egg” in the search results I knew that I had found The One. Have you tried a duck egg? I highly, highly, highly recommend getting your hands on one to try

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. Don’t worry…they don’t taste wierd or any different than a chicken egg other than they are so much more totally luscious and awesome.

*A note on the recipe: Not being a huge fan of rhubarb, I didn’t really understand how tart it is. I doubled this recipe to have enough for the both of us, which meant juice from a whole lemon. It was waaaaaaay too much. Tart-o-rama. Next time, I think I will only add a squeeze. I think there was also too much butter (check out the pool o’ butter in the bowl), but my rhubarb stalks were tiny, they weren’t those honking things you see in the stores. So fair warning, keep those things in mind if you make this and adjust accordingly.

I also highly reccommend having some sort of toast thing around to mop up the juices. This never crossed my mind, as I am not really a bread eater, but I think having bread would help temper the tartness of the rhubarb.

Savory Black Pepper Rhubarb with Poached Duck Egg.

via bbc.co.uk

Serves one

  • 50g/1¾oz butter*
  • pinch salt
  • ½ lemon, juice only*
  • 4 sticks rhubarb, chopped
  • 5 fresh sage leaves
  • freshly ground black pepper>

For the poached duck egg

  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 1 duck egg

For the rhubarb, heat the butter, salt and lemon juice together in a frying pan. Add the rhubarb, sage and black pepper and cook over a gentle heat for eight minutes, or until the rhubarb has softened.
To poach the duck egg, fill a small saucepan with water, add the vinegar and bring to a gentle boil. Turn off the heat. Crack the egg into the middle of the water and leave to cook for four minutes, or until the egg white has set. Remove with a slotted spoon.
To serve, spoon the rhubarb onto a serving plate and top with the poached egg.

Comments: 2
  • Christina May 2, 2011 12:45 pm

    Oh! I’m always looking for new things to do with Rhubarb. Can’t wait to try this… especially once our ducks start laying!

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