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This weekend was spent up in the city as a pre-birthday mini-vacation for yours truly. We ate a TON of great food

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. The hands-down favorite was Tango.  It was incredibly good and I highly recommend it.  We also became members of the Seattle Art Mueseum and had lunch at their little cafe, viagra sales prescription Taste.  I love this little place. We were only a few blocks from Top Pot, cure which I have been hearing for years about the glory of Top Pot donuts and I have to say that I personally don’t understand the hype. It was a very yummy donut but it didn’t alter my life. Jeffery thinks I am crazy.  Our second night was Icon Bar and Grill, prescription which was good – deep fried macaroni and cheese cubes good – but unfortunately comes with all of the regrets of eating deep fried macaroni and cheese.  Shopping was done, some quality time with great friends was had, a lot of walking in the rain, and overall it was just what the doctor ordered. I am now back to real life (boo!) and a renewed vow to spend more quality time with the elliptical machine.

Comments: 2
  • Christina W April 6, 2009 12:23 pm

    Hello fellow birthday girl!

    I hope your Seattle celebration was fabulous! We were so sorry we couldn’t be here.

    Thank you SO MUCH for the serenade message. You guys are adorable.

    Miss you and can’t wait to see you soon.

    I think another “Craf-Tea” is in order.


  • Ani March 31, 2009 1:57 pm

    I love, love Seattle. Far too long since my first trip. I agree with you on Top Pot.

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